The Struggling Archaeologist's Guide to Getting Dirty

The Struggling Archaeologist's Guide to Getting Dirty

Episode 19 “Caen you handle this? It’s France, part Deux!”

October 03, 2014

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Welcome back to The Struggling Archaeologist’s Guide to Getting Dirty! This is episode 19 of the podcast “Caen you handle this? It’s France, part Deux!”

In this, the second installment of Jenny’s French adventures, we talk about my time in Paris and the Normandy region. Some of the things I waxed on about in this episode include:

  • What’s up with city planning and historical relevance in Paris?
  • Saint Denis Paris? Really? His name is Denis…
  • Jenny’s movie recommendation for the month: Midnight in Paris
  • Guess the obscure musical and I’ll get you a rescue puppy! (have your pets spayed and neutered people!)
  • William the Conqueror’s total badassery
  • The Bayeux tapest…embroider…thingy
  • Jenny’s fun-times guide to D-Day and other depressing places like the La Cambe German cemetery…
  • Really dude… your parachute got stuck where? FAIL.

And if you think I forgot that I owed you “La Vie En Rose” in French think again, enjoy the subtle stylings of Jenny-Radio (disclaimer- I was coming down with a cold when I recorded this so it’s not my best, I know- you’re disappointed, well I’m only human people!)

I’ll leave you with some pictures from this part of my trip. Be sure to leave me a comment if you liked what you heard, or email me at I can, as always, be found on tumblr, twitter, and facebook. Merci beaucoups mes amis!

It’s the Amelie place, It’s the Amelie place! (well, the St. Denis place I guess… if you’re being technical)

Did I mention that I accidentally discovered Jean Francois Champollion’s house? Oh yeah, I accidentally happened upon Jean Francois Champollion’s house (the Egyptologist to first decipher hieroglyphs from the Rosetta Stone in 1822)

Robert Langdon are you there?

It’s the almost non-existent evidence of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette’s execution in the Place de la Revolution!

Did you know you can climb to the top of the Arc de Triomphe? You can and it’s lovely!

It’s William the Conqueror’s 11th century castle in the middle of Caen!

This is the Bayeux Cathedral, where they kept the Bayeux Tapestry/Embroidery/thingy for hundreds of years!

Gold Beach (I think, they all looked alike!) on the Normandy Coast

Welcome “at” our liberators from a local café… they tried people, let’s give them that…

Omaha Beach from the National American Cemetery

The National American Cemetery and Memorial

The cliffs of Pointe du Hoc.. and I mean, goddamn they were steep!

A ravaged landscape, the craters of Pointe du Hoc

German bunkers on Utah Beach

The Navy Memorial on Utah Beach

La Cambe German Cemetery, final resting place to 21,000 German soldiers

Look at that guy, talk about FAIL! The St. Mère-Église cathedral featuring Private John Steele hanging from the steeple by his parachute (he’s actually really brave and wonderful, no offense to all of you Steele lovers)

The stained glass window honoring the 82nd and 101st airborne paratroopers at the St. Mère-Église cathedral

That’s all for now folks, tune in next time for more of The Struggling Archaeologist’s Guide to Getting Dirty!



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