

Latest Episodes

Giving Husband Privileges to Boyfriends / Why Women Fake Orgasm
August 09, 2016

JR Rydha talks about the rules when traveling with the opposite sex. Kerry Witta K gives us things women wish men knew about them sexually and the fElla discuss reasons why women fake orgasms.

Best Condom Brands / Weird Animal Mating Rituals
July 22, 2016

Kerry Witta K gives you the best condom brands depending on your preference. JR Rydha asks the fans what men and women want in a relationship. Then there is a rare Q & A with Kerry Witta K when he answers 6 personal questions.  

Expectation of Privacy / Men Want to Feel Wanted
July 12, 2016

JR Rydha talks about the reasons and consequences of going through your mates phone. Kerry witta K speaks on effective ways to get the ought an argument. 

2 Girlfriends / Strengthen Your Relationship
June 18, 2016

JR Rydha talks about if men can handle 2 girlfriends. Kerry witta K discusses ways you can strengthen your relationship.

Is Arguing Natural ? / Online Dating Obsession
June 09, 2016

Kerry witta K discusses if arguing in a relationship is natural or not. JR Rydha talks about the perils of online dating. The fellas also discuss 3 things couples should talk about before it's too late 

Relationship Appreciation / How The World Defines Beauty
June 01, 2016

JR Rydha poses the question of how do you keep from getting to the point of not being appreciated in a relationship and goes over ways you can fall in love deeper. Kerry witta K talks about definitions of beauty around the world and the traditions of...

Why Hoes Are Winning / Desensitized Penis Remedy
May 20, 2016

Due to computer uploading issues Kerry witta K handles this week's episode solo. He talks about why h is s are winning and gives fellas a remedy for desensitized a penis.

Domesticated Women / One Night Stands
May 11, 2016

Kerry witta K talks about 5 things that ruined American Women while JR Rydha asks his listeners if they have ever had a one night stand. The fellas discuss the wonders of domesticated women in this hilarious episode. We apologize for the short...

Happy Mothers Day Audio 4 Mom
May 07, 2016

Kerry witta K recorded an audio card to his mother for Mothers Day because she is 1000's of miles away. Love you Mom.

What is Manhood / Tips For a Healthy Vagina
April 20, 2016

Part 3 of the Vagina series
