Seoul It Up

Seoul It Up

Nov#2 Chance Encounters-Jakob Grotewohl

November 02, 2014

GrooveCast host Chance Dorland now writes "Chance Encounters," a monthly column of man on the street interviews that get to the heart of big questions here in South Korea. Below is an excerpt from his debut article for November's issue, available online at

"I was in Kreuzberg, a hip area preferred by artists and expats in Berlin. Sitting across from me was Jakob Grotewohl, a well-dressed 30-year-old German with an impeccable American English accent. His great grandfather, East Germany’s first president, had helped the North rebuild after the Korean War and the eternally grateful North Korean leader Kim Il-sung welcomed Grotewohl as part of his family after his great-grandfather died. My trip to Berlin was on the tails of the visit of South Korean President Park Geun-hye and Seoul Mayor Park Won-soon, who had come to Berlin to gain insight from German leaders on the 25-year-old success of German reunification; they were specifically interested in how its lessons could be applied to a reunified Korea, a vision the countries have sought since their separation in 1945. I asked Jakob about his connection to North Korea, his thoughts on German reunification and what South Korea can be learn from what didn't go so well."

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