Green is Good

Green is Good

Global Reporting Initiative’s Allen White, Repurpose Compostables’ Lauren Gropper, Vegan Divas’ Fernanda Capobianco and Verengo Solar’s Randy Bishop

September 16, 2013

Allen White, co-founder of the Global Reporting Initiative, examines the global business environment to take companies’ sustainability temperatures. White admits that today’s cutthroat business world can make it difficult for some companies to truly operate on a sustainable path. So, in 2002, White co-founded GRI as a way to help measure sustainable initiatives within the businesses the program serves.

“[There is] tremendous short-term pressure on companies,” White reports. “Sustainability by definition is a long-term proposition. You simply cannot operate a company on a quarterly basis, or even a yearly basis, and call yourself a ‘true sustainability leader.’”

Lauren Gropper‘s past work in the green-building world paired her with clients that were often asking about more sustainable food and drink wares. Stumped on a well-priced, functional, truly sustainable solution, she set out to do it herself, creating Repurpose Compostables. Now, Gropper’s mission is to convince consumers of the importance of switching from petroleum-based products to compostable plant-based solutions.

“Why should we use oil for a product that we use for 10 minutes?” Gropper asks. “Why should be using a toxic material in our products that we drink from? Plant-based products are totally nontoxic and there is no waste. Repurpose is here to provide that solution.”

Despite being born and raised in meat-centric Brazil, Fernanda Capobianco has lived virtually her entire life meat-free. After successful stints in the restaurant and catering industries, Capobianco took her sweet tooth to New York, where she launched Vegan Divas in 2010, filling her perceived void of high-quality vegan bakeries in the Big Apple. Now, the bakery has a flagship store on the Upper East Side, lots of wholesale locations around the city and a booming online business. Though every product Vegan Divas makes is 100% vegan, none skimp on taste, as evidenced by the brand’s growing fan base.

“The good thing about this food is that you don’t feel guilty,” Capobianco explains. “You can have the pleasure, and after you still feel good.”

Randy Bishop and his business parter always wanted to work at a business where “do good and do well” applies. His venture, Los Angeles-based Verengo Solar, takes full advantage of LA’s enviable weather patterns by providing its customers reliable, efficient solar energy. Bishop estimates an after-tax savings of 10% to 15% annually, so it is easy to see why Verengo is experiencing rapid growth. Today, Verengo is the largest residential solar company in the U.S.

“The cost of solar — the cost of financing and materials — keeps coming down all the time, and the cost of electricity keeps going up,” Bishop explains. “As electricity goes up and solar gets cheaper, we see this incredible market. Last year, the whole industry grew 70%. There are over 100,000 solar jobs in America now.”
