Greedy Moms

Greedy Moms

Latest Episodes

Ep.007-Meal Time Line Up (Baby’s 6-9th Month)
November 03, 2018

Your little eating machine is getting solids by now! In this episode, Bug and Shosh talk about transitioning down to 2 naps and the importance of establishing meal time manners at a young age. Bug also gives you some more awake time ideas along with gr...

Ep.006-Mama’s Sleep Life Looking Like it Used To (Baby’s 4th-6th Month)
October 16, 2018

Shosh and Bug fill you in on the tailored nursing sleep schedule for your baby child's 4th, 5th and 6th month. - Mentioned in this episode: - Some healthy growth indicators are: Roll in both directions (from front to back and back to front)

Ep.004-Baby’s First Month AKA Whirlwind
October 09, 2018

Wow this first month is a whirlwind! Today we'll be going over typical schedules for nursing/eating, sleeping as well as typical milestones within the first month of life. We'll also have some great ideas for wake time activities to try with your new l...

Ep.003-Here’s Your Baby…Bye!
October 02, 2018

Oh those sweet and stressful moments right after your baby is born! What are you supposed to be doing to keep this precious soul alive when they send you out the door? How often do you feed your baby? Are they getting enough to eat?

Ep.002-Why Choose a Parenting Plan?
September 13, 2018

Parenting plans! You may even be wondering why you would ever need a parenting plan. So today we explore the benefits of having a plan in place (even before you have kids if you can) and what to look for when researching them.

Ep.001-Greedy Moms Intro
September 13, 2018

As we were preparing for becoming mothers, we decided to read the book series Growing Kids God's Way (AKA Baby Wise) by Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo. Not only is it umm... controversial, but it also can be a little bit confusing and hard to follow as a pla...
