GoodKnight Movie Club

GoodKnight Movie Club

21: Black Hawk Down (2001)

May 26, 2021

“May-morial Day” comes to and end with 2001’s “Black Hawk Down”!

As the Knights complete their tribute to all of those that have served and sacrificed on the battlefield, they take a look at the only film this month solely based on a real event. The United Nations’ intervention into the East African country of Somalia in the 1990’s was the result of a brutal famine that claimed over 300,000 lives. “Black Hawk Down” chronicles the story of U.S. Army Special Forces operators caught in a failed mission to capture a Somali warlord responsible for the famine. The operators are besieged by an entire city and fight for their survival as director Ridley Scott takes audiences on a high-octane thrill ride of action and brotherhood. Populated by a star-stunned ensemble cast that is difficult to rival by films of any genre, “Black Hawk Down” reminds us that not every war story is just a story, and the people that sacrifice on the battlefield are as real as the rest of us.

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