GoodKnight Movie Club

GoodKnight Movie Club

16: The Prestige (2006)

April 21, 2021

Take a walk on the magical side as the Knights break down “The Prestige”!

Released in-between the first two installments of writer/director Christopher Nolan’s famed “Dark Knight” trilogy, “The Prestige” takes a look into the underground world of illusion in the streets of Edwardian London. Following the tale a bitter rivalry between two magicians, played by Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman, “The “Prestige” tricks audiences and offers one of the most clever, unexpected twists ever to be put to film. This movie marks a special place in Nolan’s filmography, as it contains the epic cinematography and deep, multi-layered plot that he is famous for, however it precluded his status as a household name that his take on the Caped Crusader brought him. This film sets an example of a director showing exemplary talent prior to the height of their fame, and offers a unique view into the artistic evolution that directors undergo throughout their career.

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