GoodKnight Movie Club

GoodKnight Movie Club

14: The Game (1997)

April 07, 2021

A new season begins as the GoodKnight Movie Club takes a twist into April Fool’s Day with David Fincher’s “The Game”!Lauded Director David Fincher’s follow-up to his breakout film “Se7en” takes audiences on a thrilling journey as the line between reality and fantasy blurs, and investment banker Nicholas Van Orton finds himself in the fight for his very life. “The Game”, while clearly a product of the 1990’s thanks to then cutting-edge technology displayed on screen, as well as the charm of a pre-technology industry San Francisco, offers a refreshing style of film that, thanks to the sequel-filled box offices of today, is few and far between: engaging and simple dramatic storytelling. While on the surface a clear-cut plot about a fight for identity and survival, a fantastic twist-ending shows us that movies can be original, easy to watch, and unpredictable without being part of a large franchise or multiverse of movies. Is this form of film a relic of a bygone era thanks to the spectacular binge-worthy dramas found on television? Or should Hollywood dust off its old playbook to bring audiences back into the movie theaters? Like what you hear? Feel free to subscribe and rate us 5-stars on your favorite podcast service. Know someone that would like this podcast? Please share and help us grow!Want to be a part of the growth of GoodKnight Life? Support us at these links!WEBSITE:
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