Good Vibes Imminent

Good Vibes Imminent

Latest Episodes

It's okay to not be okay
September 30, 2021

My emotional last episode of season 2

Discussion or Distraction?
May 10, 2021

This question can help your friends process their bad moments

Positive Thought Anchors
May 03, 2021

Thought anchors are reminders of an attached feeling

Learning From Everything
April 26, 2021

We can learn something from any moment

Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
April 19, 2021

Don't let others make you feel less than.

The Expectation Gap
April 12, 2021

Managing expectations is essential for mental health

Consumerism With A Purpose
April 05, 2021

As consumers, we have the power to support eco-friendly companies

Leaving Things Better Than You Found Them
March 29, 2021

We can improve everything around us in tiny or big ways

Saying 'Sorry' Too Much
March 22, 2021

Two issues with over-apologizing and two ways to prevent saying sorry too much

You Are Loved
March 15, 2021

An episode dedicated to helping you feel loved
