God's Pure Word of Faith

God's Pure Word of Faith

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Richard Hardin's GPWF: Ways God Speaks #1
March 30, 2024

How or Ways God Speaks #1-----My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB .... Faith comes by hearing God's perfect Word, Christ, then accepting, and receiving His pure Word(Christ) into our he

Richard Hardin's GPWF: All Sickness Is A Curse From The Devil! So Pray!
March 27, 2024

All Sickness Are Curses Of The devil! So Pray,(Talk) To God About Your Situation! My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB*****Search the Scriptures & find doors you have opened to the

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Calvinism's Election Predestination r devils' lies!
March 18, 2024

Calvinism's Reformed Theology's Election & Predestination are 'devil' Lies!----My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---- Jesus says in Matt 25:41, "...everlasting fire, prepared for t

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Preachers #1
March 11, 2024

Mon #1- Preachers Do Not go to Seminaries or other religious schools to learn God's Pure Word! They go to learn how to preach & teach the Bible according to their chosen religious denomination bel

Richard Hardin's GPWF: USA 9/11 vs Isaiah 9/11
March 10, 2024

USA 9/11--- VS ---Isaiah 9/11 --Both Very Similiar In UnGodly Responses! -rahardin.com--My 8 Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB---Schedule: M-F, 7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM, (CST)****God let

Richard Hardin's GPWF: God's Great Precious Promises # 2
March 05, 2024

God's Great Precious Promises #1, Books:Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB Email:https://yahoo.com/ Schedule: M-F, 7-8AM; Sat-Sun, 6-8AM (CST)****Richard Hardin, POBox 45684, OKC, OK 73145.***

Richard Hardin, GPWF: Prayer, Praise Thanks(Giving), Worship!
February 26, 2024

Prayer, Praise, THANKSGIVING & Worship ..... rahardin.com -Bio, Blogs, Podcasts---My Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB ---, rahardin.com -Podcasts Email: rhardin77@yahoo.com Weekly:

Richard Hardin's GPWF: The Wise Winneth Souls!
February 23, 2024

The Wise Winneth Souls! What Gifts will you have to share with Jesus our Savior WHO suffered so much that each of us could become children of His Heavenly Father and live forever in heaven? Our Greate

Richard Hardin's GPWF: God Loved Esau/Edom!
January 28, 2024

- God Loved Esau/Edom! My 8 Books: Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB (CHECK OUT MY NEW BOOKS, They are only about $5!) *rahardin.com - Videos, Reformed Theology(Calvinism) is A Lie! Jacob and E

Richard Hardin's GPWF: Prayer Can Really Cause God To Change! So Pray!!
January 07, 2024

Richard Hardin's: Prayer Can Change God Sometimes! So Pray! Amazon.com/Richard-A-Hardin/e/B09J2YHCVB, RAHardin, POBox 45684, OKC, OK 73145. **I will be sharing today about one of the confused topics t