Godless Liberty Internet Radio

Godless Liberty Internet Radio

September 5, 2015 – For Old Time’s Sake

September 12, 2015

This week, Tripp Pugh of Post-Politics joins Stenny and Honkey-Z this week for a smoke-clouded laughfest, covering such stories as: a woman wants to give birth in the ocean to a dolphin midwife; Oregon man suing nursing home after penis infection forces an amputation; West Point cadets smash each other in the face with weaponized pillows; New Jersey day care center accused of organizing toddler fight club; teen girl in hot water after she fakes pregnancy with the help of FakeABaby.com. Dumb Laws: Georgia. Douchebag of the Week: Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach.


* Man sues Oregon nursing home over penis amputation
* Auschwitz “cooling showers” leave visitors steaming
* Pregnant Woman To Give Birth In Sea With A Dolphin As Her Midwife
* 'One hell of a pillow fight' West Point tradition turns violent; 24 concussions
* California man rescues children and ribs from apartment fire
* Cranford day care accused of running ‘fight clubs’ with children, filming brawls
* Fake ultrasounds, fake bellies and ‘Fake a Baby.com’ gets Michigan teen in non-fake trouble
* Kansas statistician suing the state to obtain election records, says voting results don't add up
* IT HAPPENED TO ME: My Gynecologist Found a Ball of Cat Hair in My Vagina
