Go Spurs Go Memes

Go Spurs Go Memes

Episode 21: 1-16-16: If I Won The Powerball...

January 16, 2016

Live but recorded with Ray and the crew at the Go Spurs Go Memes Studio. Hear our thoughts, agreements, and disagreements as we discuss The San Antonio Spurs and other NBA topics

Segment 1: News. Ray and the boys discuss what's going on in the NBA.

Segment 2: Spurs. Ray, Buddy and Clay discuss the Cavs game.

Segment 3: Spurs and the City. Clay joins us in studio. We discuss last week's and this week's episode.

Segment 4: You Don't Know Jack. Jack the Intern drops fun facts and ticket specials.

Segment 5: Football. “Roll Tide” and forecast of the NFL Playoffs

Segment 6: On the Fly....If I won the Powerball and SA Raiders.

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