Go Spurs Go Memes

Go Spurs Go Memes

Episode 15: 12-4-15 Spurs Jesus Interview

December 05, 2015

Live but recorded with Ray and the crew at the Go Spurs Go Memes Studio. Hear our thoughts, agreements, and disagreements as we discuss The San Antonio Spurs and other NBA topics

Segment 1: Intro/News

Segment 2: Football. Ray, Jack and Sean discuss Saturday and

Segment 3: Spurs and the City with Clay. Clay asks Spurs fans about Kobe Bryant's retirement.

Segment 4: Interview with Spurs Jesus. A one on one interview with the Spurs Super Fan.

Segment 5: On the Fly. The Battle of Amistad. Spurs Jesus vs Chuck Cureau....80s/90s Pop Music Trivia.

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