Global Oneness Project Films in HD

Global Oneness Project Films in HD

Latest Episodes

Daily Acts
June 15, 2012

Thirty community volunteers come together to transform their neighbor's front yard into a lush, edible garden. Daily Acts Founder Trathen Heckman shares his thoughts on how small actions can help address big problems like climate change, water scarcity an

Karma Kitchen
May 23, 2012

What is the value of something that doesn’t have a price? That is the fundamental question raised every week at Karma Kitchen, a volunteer-run restaurant in Berkeley. Based on an experiment in generosity, guests are presented with a $0 bill at the end o

Silent Crescendo
May 22, 2012

An intimate portrait of ex –Yugoslavian émigré artist Slobodan Dan Paich, Silent Crescendo follows his daily ritual of creating simple drawings with tea and ink. In response to the modern pace of the art scene, Slobodan has embraced these fluid works

Full Circle
April 11, 2012

A quiet walk through nature offers moments of beauty and serenity that often go unnoticed. In celebration of Earth Day 2012, we invite you to take a few minutes to enjoy this journey through cycles of light, water, wind and earth.

It's in the Soil
March 13, 2012

Environmental leader, Vandana Shiva explains what we can learn from traditional systems of soil building regarding water usage and conservation. "It's in the soil that water enters agriculture."

A Shift to the Feminine
March 13, 2012

Environmental leader, Vandana Shiva believes that if we are to protect the life of the earth, we need to first recognize it is alive; then, we can create a culture that recognizes the sacred once again.

Climate Change and Water Wars
March 13, 2012

Environmental leader, Vandana Shiva asserts that because survival, not money, comes out of water harvesting, governments are not preparing for the potentially catastrophic consequences of climate change. 

Ganga Doesn't Discriminate 
March 13, 2012

According to environmental leader Vandana Shiva, the idea of privatizing the Ganges River or any water goes against the recognition that "anything that serves the common good must stay in the commons". 

The Mythology of the Green Revolution
March 13, 2012

Environmental leader, Vandana Shiva illustrates how civilizations were destroyed in the name of creating the excessive irrigation needed for chemical farming.
