Global Freedom Movement Media

Global Freedom Movement Media

Robert David Steele – The Political Pedophilia Epidemic (Episode 65, GFM Media)

April 17, 2017

Episode 65 sees Global Freedom Movement Media joined by former CIA operative Robert David Steele to discuss the political pedophile epidemic. In this episode, Robert addresses PedoGate, child trafficking, Israel, Mossad, America’s compromised politicians, the Clintons, and his innovative ideas for solving the world’s woes.
Please note, Australian viewers, that prior to the interview, in our email exchange, Robert established that he had relatively little to speak to regarding Australia’s players in the elite pedophile networks, however, as you’ll see, Australia is definitely not off his radar completely.
More about Robert David Steele:
Robert is the pro bono Chief Enabling Officer of Earth Intelligence Network, a charitable organization devoted to teaching holistic analytics, true cost economics, and open source everything engineering.
He is also responsible for creating the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) discipline world-wide and is now leading the OSINT Done Right – Active OSINT movement.
Robert seeks to create an international Open Source (Technologies) Agency for local to global information-sharing and sense-making as well as OSEE innovation. His believes his ideas would enable us to end poverty, end hunger, provide clean water, sanitation, and clean energy for all people — first within the USA and then globally — within a decade or two at 10-20% of the cost of the prevailing industrial-donor model.
Robert a.k.a. Bob has also been recommended for the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize by Jan H. Kalvik, as disclosed in his essay “Intelligence & the Nobel Peace Prize.”
On his website – linked below – you can find more of Robert’s information, along with his books, talks, and interviews.

Video Podcast

Show Notes
The website of Robert Steele –
Robert David Steele’s “Public Intelligence Blog”
Robert David Steele’s “Memo For Trump”
Robert David Steele – RIGGED: Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters.
James Bamford’s Books – The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency, America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organization, The Shadow Factory: The NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America, Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency.
Elinor Ostrom’s Book –  Governing the Commons – The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action – Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions.
Joe Pageant – Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War
The Essential Marcuse: Selected Writings of Philosopher and Social Critic Herbert Marcuse – Last third of the book is about Repressive Tolerance.
911 Information – Over 100 resources, reviews, and interviews about September 11, 2001. “It is known that the Israeli’s started planning 911 in 1988.”
Books by Robert Steele:
