Ghost Team, Go!

Ghost Team, Go!

Live from France - A Foppish Ghost

March 07, 2018

Get ready for a fragrant foray into the foul fairways of France, because this week Ghost Team, Go! is live from... France! That's right, after an unfortunate airport mix-up Jack & Nick have ended up in gay Paris, the land of baguettes and the bourgeoisie. Speaking of, it isn't long before our heroes make the acquaintance of dapper (and dead) fancyman Pierre Suissetinio, who insists on taking them on a tour of his elegant mansion. The place is actually in pretty good condition... with one major exception. Pierre's past, mainly the remembrance of one extravagant, Gatsby-esque party after another, has one big, disgusting secret. Or, alternatively, many small disgusting secrets; really depends on how you look at it! Will Jack & Nick make it out of Pierre's manse with their dignity intact? Will they uncover the dark secret of Pierre's Secret Bedroom Room? And just how dumb can this podcast get? Find out on this week's extravagant episode of Ghost Team, Go!

FEATURING Pete Mutino (@PrisonPete) as Pierre Suissetinio.
