

018 Ouija

June 26, 2019

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In Ghostly’s eighteenth episode, Pat and Rebecca explore the phenomenon known as Ouija boards. These modern talking boards have been sold in the game aisle of our favorite stores for years as a game for kids, but is it really a game? Can we really talk to spirits using a Ouija board? Listen and hear the history of this famous parlor game as well as Pat and Rebecca’s personal experiences with their own spirit boards.

Ouija Board

Questions explored in this episode: What is a Ouija board and how is it used? What are the rules for using a Ouija board? What is the history of the Ouija board? Is it a game? Can it contact spirits and/or demons? How long have people been using talking boards? When should people avoid using Ouija boards? Who is Zozo and why are people so scared of it? 

Old Ouija Board Instructions

Listen to hear Pat give the history of the Ouija board,
explaining how it came to be and theories on how it got its name. He explores
the reasons people use the board and the early marketing of it. After the history, listen to Rebecca
tell the rules of using the Ouija board. These rules are as scary to hear as
the stories of people using board.

Homemade Ouija Board

Then listen to the Great Debate! Rebecca and her friend Cheryl tell the story of when they used the Ouija board as young teenagers and what happened when they did. Pat also tells his personal story of using the board and what happened in the aftermath. Both stories cause much debate. Then Rebecca tells more of the demon Zozo and Pat tries to sell us on the power of belief…and disbelief.
Be sure to stay for the whole episode to hear the “Closing Arguments” to help you make your choice before voting. And stay on afterwards for a very special bonus with two great young people debating their own ghost story.
Now is the time to vote on this episode! Vote on whether or not you think Ouija boards are real using the poll on our Facebook page.  Just search for Ghostly Podcast on Facebook and be sure to Like us so you don’t miss anything!
Also included in this episode are,
as always, poll results from our previous episode on the Poltergeist curse. (Check out the episode here if you haven’t had a
chance to listen yet).
Done listening to the episode? Please subscribe to Ghostly and give us a rating on iTunes or any podcast app where they let you J. Tell your friends! Then you can debate the truth yourselves! Word of mouth is one of the best ways to grow our audience, so we can do all the amazing things we have planned for this year. And be sure to find us on all social media at Ghostly Podcast.
Then visit our website,, to learn more about Ghostly, and, of course, give us your opinion on our polls on Facebook. Also be sure to check out our new merchandise Zazzle store at for all your Ghostly merch!
We want to hear from you! We want your ghost stories or even your non-stories if you later realized you saw nothing paranormal. We would also love your suggestions for stories to cover in the future. Email us both at or individually at or  Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at GhostlyPodcast
Sources for this week’s episode:
