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BND Radio

Get Right Radio - #BeingHuman - Feb 01,2014

January 31, 2014

Being human is something that Christians all need to learn. How to come down to earth and relate to someone or being too "Super Saved" to actually table with people not of the faith and talk like normal people. We need to get back to the basics and "Love" like Jesus taught. #1 Check your cloud 2nd Corinthians 12:1-12 #2 If Jesus Christ did it who do we think we are? Luke 18:10-14 #3 Don't forget where you come from 1st Timothy 1:15 Romans 11:30 Galatians1: 23-24 Romans 11:(12) 13-25 #4 Jesus Christ is the only way to get to God, not us! St.John 14:6; 18:8 #5 Your not an Apostle, dumb down! Acts 5:1-39 #6 If the "Apostles" (Seen Jesus Christ)where called by name, why do we need to change our names? #7 Through Jesus Christ all is possible Philippines 4:13
