Get Ready for Rome

Get Ready for Rome

Latest Episodes

89. Edward Gibbon on the Christianization of Rome
May 05, 2022

Edward Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire advances five causes for the early Christians' triumph over their pagan and Hebrew rivals. This podcast discusses them.

88. Constantine and the Christianization of Rome
April 21, 2022

After noting the contradictory ways Constantine is remembered in Roman art and architecture, we turn to the main policies of this first Christian Emperor.

1 Trailer: Season 2 of Get Ready for Rome
March 31, 2022

This short podcast reviews our goals and announces the beginning of our second season on April 21. The subject will be Rome, Constantine, and the Christianization of the Roman Empire.

Looking Ahead at Get Ready for Rome
November 12, 2021

I today announce that I've begun taking a break that I hope will also help me get ready for a new season of podcasts, and I summarize the topics and issues that lie ahead.

A Lesson from Venice
October 26, 2021

Travel can be educational, as our many study abroad programs affirm, but my recent return to Venice got me wondering whether it can also be misleading.

Five Little Lessons from my Recent Return to Rome
October 21, 2021

This short Mini Pod makes five points based on a recent trip to Rome and towns in northern Italy.

On Returning from Rome, Part II
October 19, 2021

In this second report on my return from three weeks in Italy, I consider some evidence suggesting Rome is as postmodern as it is modern.

Stepping Outside of Central Rome
October 14, 2021

Today we venture beyond the central core of Rome to survey the most important sites on Rome’s periphery.

On Returning from Rome
October 12, 2021

I've just returned from a three-week trip to Italy, and I here begin a retrospective look at our travels, which were not much affected by COVID.

Getting Ready for the Vatican and Trastevere
October 07, 2021

Today we survey the main sites to visit in Trastevere and in the area around the Vatican, an important step in preparing for a visit.
