Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Latest Episodes

Take the Journey of a Marriage
August 11, 2015

Marriage is a journey. It can be an amazing trip or one bumpy ride!

Take the Journey of a Marriage
August 07, 2015

Roy and Amy Chumley chronicle the ups and downs of matrimony in the Journey of a Marriage

Keepin’ It Real Even when It Gets Really Hard!
July 30, 2015

Evangelist Cynthia Diggs is a business woman, empowerment speaker, and founder of Cyndi 4Real Ministries… Realistic Expectations about Life. Cynthia works with

Get It Together Girls Aren't Perfect, But We Are Pretty Frickin' Amazing!
July 28, 2015

Positive, Productive and FAR from Perfect, Get It Together Girls are women who know what they want and go after it!

Organization Made Easy … without Overwhelm, Overextending or Overthinking
July 23, 2015

Getting organized just got easier ... really it did. Small changes can make a big difference!

Summer Movies: Beyond Blockbusters - Some Flicks Not to Miss
July 21, 2015

What to See and What Not to See at the Movies this Summer!

One Woman’s Journey from Trauma to Triumph
July 16, 2015

Moving from Trauma to Triumph - One Woman's Story

Saving Money in the Summer Sun! (while still having fun!)
July 14, 2015

Summer Fun without Excessive Summer Spending!

Mental Health Matters! Mental Health in the Minority Community
July 10, 2015

Mental Health Matters! Let's end the Stigma and Talk about the Taboo!

Speak Up, Speak Loud, Speak Proud Using Public Speaking Techniques for Results
July 09, 2015

Hate Public Speaking? That's Okay. You can still you some public speaking tips to improve your professional/personal lives.
