Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Latest Episodes

Life Lessons: The Diva Mind Trick - The Secret to Making Changes that Stick
January 08, 2016

It's a new year and most people want to make changes but there is a very good reason why those changes haven't stuck. Find out why!

Quit Your Stinkin' Thinkin' - Eliminating Negative Thinking Once and for All
January 07, 2016

Reinventing your life and living your dreams is possible once you get out of your own way!

Get Ready! We're Making It Big in 2-0-1-6!
November 19, 2015

We're taking a short break to make Get It Together Girl even better in the upcoming year.

Adventure, Travel and Seeing the World ... All with the One You Love!
November 17, 2015

Warren and Betsy Talbot started living their retirement dream 27 years early. World travel and working together, they are living the dream!

Love and Life for Late Bloomers! The Best Is Yet to Come!
November 12, 2015

Love stories are just for teens and 20-somethings. The Late Bloomers are love stores for women over 40. We get love too!

Be about Your Business! Starting a Business Over 40 Has Its BonuseS!
November 05, 2015

Entrpreneurship isn't necessarily a young man's (or woman's) game. There are benefits for starting a business when you are 40+

Kickbox without Lifting a Leg! Kick Yourself Out of Your Own Box
October 29, 2015

This isn't about the sport of kickboxing. This is about kicking yourself out of the box you're stuck in!

Making Your Second Act Your Best Act. It's Your Time to Shine!
October 27, 2015

Over the hill? I think not. Over 40? It's time for reinvention and rejuvenation. Get excited!

Confront Your Inner Critic and Kick Her A**!
October 22, 2015

Bullies aren't just in the schoolyard. The biggest bully is inside of you. Learn how to confront her!

The Gift of Cancer: Healing and Hope in the Midst of Devastation
October 20, 2015

Two women face cancer and share some of the lessons they have learned.
