Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Life Lessons: The Diva Mind Trick - The Secret to Making Changes that Stick

January 08, 2016

Welcome to Life Lessons which is all about lessons learned on the road uniquely traveled! Like a lot of us, resolving to lose weight and save money hasn’t worked. So what does? For Karyn, small and enjoyable changes have begun to make a difference. Healthy and delicious foods. Fun workouts. What works for you is what is enjoyable and realistic for you. If you want to run, run. If you don’t like running, a regime of running is not going to work for you. Stop doing what you think you should do and find enjoyable healthy alternatives.

One of the things Karyn has given up is the deliciously sweet and deceptively strong Chocolate Diva, a cocktail she designed. Described as a “party in your mouth”. It’s delicious!

Equal parts:

2 oz Vanilla Rum

2 oz. Crème de Cacao

2 oz. Half and Half

Shake with one ice cube and pour into a glass with a rim of unsweetened cocoa and sugar. Top with whipped cream.

If you want changes to stick, make those changes small, workable and enjoyable!
