Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Quit Your Stinkin' Thinkin' - Eliminating Negative Thinking Once and for All

January 07, 2016

Emiy Filloramo is a woman with a story to tell. This story starts when Emily was 49 years old and found herself the victim of a corportate layoff! What's a corporate woman to do when she finds herself facing unemployment? Well, Emily got busy ... really busy. It's been almost four years and she is a published author, sought-after speaker and entrepreneur. Now Emily has still faced her share of setbacks and failures but she has made it through the storm and is sitting in the sun?

How did she do it. She got out of her own way and shows you how you can do the same in her book, How to Permanently Erase Negative Self-Talk So You Can Be Extraordinary! She shows you how to find the sources of your negativity and disable them.

She shares some of her secrets in this episode. Changing your life starts with changing your thinking, so let's get started!


Free Download:

Book: How to Permanently Erase Negative Self-Talk So You Can Be Extraordinary 
