Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Get Ready! We're Making It Big in 2-0-1-6!

November 19, 2015

Get It Together Girl will be back at the beginning of January with a laser-focus, a few new things and, of course, a lot of fun, feisty fabulousness.  

Women in their 40s, 50’s, even 60s and beyond can be beautiful, sexy and vibrant. With Get It Together Girl, my goal is to help these women make the most of this exciting time in their lives. So, while I am on this working sabbatical, I will be dedicated to creating a format and show that speaks to these women who’s needs and interest are often different from those of women in their 20s and 30s.

There will still be interviews but they will focus on women (and men) who are living their best lives now. People who reached their goals in spite of the naysayers and the people who have gotten knocked down but succeeded anyway because they got back up.

I will also be speaking to authors, coaches and experts on the issues affecting you. Caregiving for older parents, pursuing a new career direction, peri-menopause and menopause, finding love or reinvigorating your relationships. If you want to know about it, we’ll talk about it.

Speaking of talking, I’ll be introducing a monthly call-in show where two other guests (myself and frequent guest Jean Day, with other guests) will talk about what’s hot and happening in the news and the world of entertainment.

If you have suggestions, email me at My show is your show. And together, we’ll get it together!
