Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Adventure, Travel and Seeing the World ... All with the One You Love!

November 17, 2015

At the age of 37, Warren and Betsy Talbot made a decision. They decided that they weren't going to wait to retirement to travel and see the world. They were going to do it now. So they spent the next two years downsizing, getting rid of stuff and saving for their new life. They left their corporate lives behind and embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. Now, they are based out of Spain. They blog and write books. They podcast! So, how did they do itit? And how do they do it all together? These questions and more are answered in this podcast. They didn't wait. They didn't hesitate. They decided to live their dreams ... and they are doing it!



Married with Luggage 

Dream Save Do – An Action Plan for Dreamers Like You 

Getting Rid of It – The Step-by-Step Guide to Eliminating the Clutter in Your Life 
