Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Love and Life for Late Bloomers! The Best Is Yet to Come!

November 12, 2015

Go to any book store (or website) and you will find the Young Adult section and it is filled with stories of young love and first loves. And that is wonderful ... except that love isn't reserved for the teens and 20-somethings (and okay, sometimes the 30-somethings). Betsy Talbot is a world traveller, podcaster and author. She recognized the derth of love and romance stories for the 40+ set and she decided to do something about it. Her Late Bloomers novellas follow the lives and loves of five women who have been friends since childhood as they find love, seek adventure and discover even more about themselves. We have a great discussion about life, writing and why older women make the best characters (and maybe lovers!), 



The Unfolding 

Wild Rose 

English Ivy 
