Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Are You Happy on the Inside? It's Time to Get Happy ... Really Happy!

September 10, 2015

Maura Sweeney dodged a bullet. She almost let herself go down the wrong path ... a path that seemed right to everyone else ...  everyone excpet her. So she summoned up her courage and left law school. Since then, she had the opportunity to figure out what she really wanted and to go after it. There have been ups and down, successes and failures along the way, but she's done it all her way. She's lived life on her terms. Now, she is a successful Huffington Post blogger who helps others find their own path. And, at the age of 50, she did something she always wanted to do, she learned to dance. Learn about the power of living life, your life on this episode.


Huffington Post: Maura Sweeney 

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