Get It Together Girl!

Get It Together Girl!

Mid-Year Goals Check-Up: How Are You Doing?

June 16, 2015

Think back, way back, all the way back to January. Remember those goals you set, the things you resolved to do? Well, here it is, six months later, how are you doing?

Whether you have made progress, completed your goals or just let it fizzle out, we'll talk about it. Sometimes letting go of a goal is a good thing. Other times, you need to make a few tweaks in order to find success. Maybe you are in search of a new goal. Great! You don't have to wait until New Year's to start.

Regardless of where you are, there is still time to come alive in the 1-5!

Because I am so passionate about goal-setting, I don't even have a guest. It will be just us girls, you and me, talking goals and getting it together!

Website: Get It Together Girl Media

Book: The Golden Goals Method
