George Thomas Clark Podcast

George Thomas Clark Podcast

Latest Episodes

#6 - Playing in a Rock Band
April 14, 2020

Clint McCubbin recalls his days as a young rock musician in Seattle where he played in bars and clubs in the University District and learned about the pleasures and difficulties in the business.

#5 - Buying Food Online
April 13, 2020

Francilyn O'Brien is avoiding the coronavirus by shopping for food online and receiving the deliveries at home.

George Thomas Clark Podcast #4 - Coronavirus Comment
April 09, 2020

Tom comments about persistent efforts on the right to portray the coronavirus as something less than a pandemic getting more dangerous every day.

George Thomas Clark Podcast #3 - Radio Pro
April 08, 2020

Veteran radio personality Jesse Portillo discusses his career, which includes stints in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami, as well as his experiences teaching aspiring on air radio professionals in Bakersfield.

George Thomas Clark Podcast #2 - South Africa
April 05, 2020

Doug Nareau, a Sacramento attorney and world traveller, recently returned from a month in South Africa where he toured the great cities of Cape Town, Durban, and Johannesberg as well as some of the beautiful towns along the southern coast. In...

George Thomas Clark Podcast #1 - Tyler Derosier
March 30, 2020

In our first podcast we discussed the coronavirus, which sent Tyler to many businesses to show employees how to set computers for work at home. We also talked about his work as a book designer and his three years of living in Alaska.
