George Thomas Clark Podcast

George Thomas Clark Podcast

Latest Episodes

#30 - Coronavirus Spreads in all the Americas
July 11, 2020

The USA, Mexico, Brazil, and other countries in the Americas continue to suffer soaring infections and deaths due to the coronavirus. Donald Trump still wants to open schools in about a month. Is that a good idea?

July 10, 2020

As the rate of coronavirus infections increases, I note that the number of people wearing masks in my supermarket is also rising.

#27 - Huge Crowds at Banks
July 06, 2020

I made a rare trip to the bank today and was shocked by long lines of cars and other nearby lines of masked people.

#26 - Trump Worsens Pandemic
July 05, 2020

As the coronavirus spreads Donald Trump, motivated by politics, insists on jamming unmasked followers into his rallies.

#21 - Letter from Hell
June 06, 2020

After Donald Trump congratulated himself about economic data and invoked someone in heaven that person wrote him a short letter.

#20 - Easing Back into Business
May 27, 2020

We've been isolating about two and a half months and getting tense but are now cautiously trying to resume regular business activities and life. There are limits to what we can safely do but the murky waters must be entered.

#19 - Video Doctor
May 15, 2020

For the first time in my life, I went to the doctor via video camera. And it was enjoyable and informative as we dispensed with personal matters and discussed the coronavirus.

#18 - Sports' Forgotten Heroes
May 12, 2020

Warren Rogan hosts a popular podcast that focuses on Sports' Forgotten Heroes. Today we learn about Warren's background in sportswriting and TV production and discuss some of the most intriguing stories on his show: Drazen Petrovic, Joe Kapp, and...

#17 - Globetrotting Martial Artist
May 08, 2020

Even in high school, where I met him, Ken Lambert was known as a dashing fellow. And as an adult he's traveled and lived around the world, teaching and competing in martial arts and maintaining a successful business career as well as raising two sons.
