

Latest Episodes

BattleBards and Name that Tune! - Geekline415
April 22, 2015

So the gang tried something really different tonight!  They decided to play the game Name that Tune joined by Alex Jarzebinski and Michael Adam from BattleBards! - You ever listen to something in the background,

Neon Sanctum, Adam Waite & Fight Characters - Geekline415
April 15, 2015

Tonight the geeks were joined by Adam Waite, the creator of the new cyberpunk RPG called Neon Sanctum.  The gang talks all about fighting characters.  The ones you remember, and what they thought about them,

Doctor of the Dead & Zombies Zombie Zombies! - Geekline415
April 08, 2015

Can you imagine telling one of your friends: "I'm headed off to class".  Your friend inevitably asks, "What class are you in right now?" and you say " Doctor of the Dead 's class on Zombie Studies..." - While not only stoking jealousy in your friend,

Chris Williams, Summons & comic stories - Geekline415
April 01, 2015

Comic books all have a special place in every geek's heart.  Have you had just one of those moments when reading, browsing or thinking about a comic that has stuck with you throughout life?  Well tonight the geeks are joined by Chris Williams,

Beasties and Bygones plus Why isn’t this a movie?
March 25, 2015

Have you ever played a video game, read a book or a short story that you thought to yourself: Why isn't this a movie? Well we have often thought the exact same thing!  Tonight the geeks were joined by Javier Palenzuela of and they

Black Alpha and Tom Rasch join Geekline415
March 18, 2015

Tonight, Tom Rasch, former Marvel artist, and all around great guy, gave the geeks a peek into his mind and what he has been saving up and churning over in his head for years and years.  The newly optioned Black Alpha. A story in decades in the making,

Faith the Sci-fi RPG and Most Influential RPGs
March 11, 2015

Joining the geeks tonight, all the way from Santander Spain (where the beaches are nicer than he rest of Spain we are told ;) ), were Carlos and Helio, the creators of Faith The Sci-fi RPG from Burning Games. As geeks, we all had certain RPGs, video game

Movie Preview Review and greatest adversaries
March 04, 2015

Tonight, the geeks were joined by stand-up comedian, comic writer, and creator of Movie Preview Review, Kevin Bartini.  And tonight they are talking about greatest adversaries.  From movies, TV, comic books and even some from real life, the geeks rattle

Dubious Alliance and DundraCon 39
February 18, 2015

What a great time all the geeks had at Dundracon.  We were running a full crew, all 8 people that it takes to make the show what it is were there, and partying commenced.  A big "THANK YOU" to the Dundracon staff and ownership for having a great DundraC

Bruce Heard the OG & Calidar In Stranger Skies
February 11, 2015

Tonight the geeks got the pleasure of talking to one of the TSR immortals: Bruce Heard.  Bruce has embarked on a new journey as he recently rejoined the RPG community with his new work: Calidar, In Stranger Skies.  Our resident artist Nino probably said