

Post Replica w/ Anthony Ford and Protaganists - Geekline415

June 03, 2015


Tonight the creator of Post Replica, Anthony Ford, joins Geekline415 to talk Protagonists or Antagonists.  As we quickly find out, a protagonist or antagonist is really dependent on which side of the fence you fall.  Some of the greats of literature, TV and movies could fall on either side and the gang debates those middle grounds.

TK comes up with the zinger for the show: Judge Judy!

Well other than being a hugely horrible "judge", she definitively falls on the antagonist side.

During the show we get to learn about Post Replica, the worlds first, Tablet Top RPG!  We are graced by some very personal stories from Anthony, as well as his own self reading of some of his fiction.  The fiction serves as inspiration for the game itself, and tells a story of a protagonist or perhaps, an antagonist.
What is Post Replica?
As best told by the authors "Post Replica blends genres between a tabletop RPG and an online game. You play around the table with your friends, but in the middle of the table will be an app running on your favorite smart device that connects you to missions, rumors, and events in a shared world. The app is a free download that comes with Post Replica's rulebook, and will offer procedurally generated missions, DLC written by guest artists, and more!"

With a world that will evolve and many more stories to come, we at Geekline415 think Post Replica is a step into a brave new world.  The melding of a good ole' fashion RPG experience with the wonders of technology.  It seems fitting a story arc like Post Replica leads us in to this world.  The fact the game brings technology right to the center of the table with it's dystopian world is a nice dichotomy not lost in the game play at all.

To find out more about Post Replica visit them at (

