

BattleBards and Name that Tune! - Geekline415

April 22, 2015


So the gang tried something really different tonight!  They decided to play the game Name that Tune joined by Alex Jarzebinski and Michael Adam from BattleBards!

You ever listen to something in the background, or the opening credits to a TV show and know immediately what it is?

Well, the gang squares up into teams and battles each other for the title!  With the typical antics from Team 2, constantly trying to simply screw over Team 1, a pretty typical gaming session breaks out, but wait, there's more...

During the show, Alex from BattleBards runs the geeks through a dungeon scenario of their very own!  With fantasy sound effects playing to evoke the greatest response, the gang get's loose and really gets into the mood.

What is BattleBards?
From their Kickstarter Page: "Battlebards is the most expansive tabletop audio library and tools ever assembled, entirely accessible through your browser. Tailor-made background music inspired by fantasy races, voiceover scripts written to bring life to everyday NPC interactions, and a colossal array of bone crushing, spell fire blasting sound effects... this is immersive tabletop RPG gaming at its best. "

The brief description does not do this product justice.  First, let's look at the interface (Remember, this is still beta at this point):


Pretty slick right?

It's all drag on drop, point and click!  Totally awesome!  GMs can make all their music, background sounds, in advance OR on the fly.  The entire library is online and on-demand!  For your gaming sessions you can setup a playlist (as seen here):


or you can have music or sound effects from the vast library of professional audio just looping or playing in the background.

As we all know, the tabletop RPG gaming experience is greatly enhanced by audio.  What better way to put thing in your "Mind's eye" as Sundance put it.  Audio can be used to evoke all kinds of ideas and emotions which is why we play these things right?

For more information on this amazing product, visit: (
