

Doctor of the Dead & Zombies Zombie Zombies! - Geekline415

April 08, 2015


Can you imagine telling one of your friends: "I'm headed off to class".  Your friend inevitably asks, "What class are you in right now?" and you say " Doctor of the Dead 's class on Zombie Studies..."

While not only stoking jealousy in your friend, you might be actually learning a valuable social lesson, or two.  If you're lucky maybe you won't have to live through a zombie apocalypse, but if you take Dr. Blumberg's maybe you might just survive one.  Serious courses don't have to be dry and mundane and the geeks learn that tonight while talking with the Doc!

The geeks and the Doc talk all about what might happen in a zombie scenario, what to bring with them, some tips and or tricks for survival and more!  The show seems to fly by and the geeks could have obviously talked about it all night!

Now if we're your friend, of course we are going to ask "Are you serious?" If you go the University of Baltimore, and sign up for Professor Arnold T Blumberg's (AKA Doctor of the Dead) course on Zombie Studies, you can honestly answer "Dead serious"...

Who is this Doctor of the Dead guy?
Arnold Blumberg, AKA Doctor of the Dead, is a published author of quite a few books on pop culture and film.  Some titles you may have heard of are:

1.  Zombiemania: 80 Movies to Die For

2.  The Big BIG LITTLE BOOK Book: An Overstreet Photo-Journal Guide

3.  Howe's Transcendental Toybox.

As a co-owner in ATB Publishing, he works tirelessly on all things fun and pop culture.  This includes teaching classes at the University of Baltimore and the University of Maryland Baltimore on Zombie Studies, Science fiction, superheroes and comic books.

You can find the Doctor of the Dead at:

Dr. Blumberg has a lot of great podcasts and other works including some of our favorites like Dr. Who!  We strongly recommend you check him out, there is a ton of geek goodness waiting for you!

