

Chris Williams, Summons & comic stories - Geekline415

April 01, 2015


Comic books all have a special place in every geek's heart.  Have you had just one of those moments when reading, browsing or thinking about a comic that has stuck with you throughout life?  Well tonight the geeks are joined by Chris Williams, the creator and author of the comic series Summons.  Chris and geeks are relaying their own personal stories about comics.

The gang also takes time to take dive into the mind of Chris Williams and discuss his series and what might be coming next!

Who is this Chris Williams and what is Summons?
To borrow from Chris' bio: "Since childhood, Chris has always been interested in comics. Before he knew what sequential art was, Chris knew that he had a story to tell, and a comic book was the medium in which he was needed to tell it. Always involved in art in any way possible, Chris took advantage of every given opportunity to flex his art muscles throughout grade school. It wasn’t until he attended the Art Institute of Philadelphia that he gained any formal art training."

And what is Summons you may ask?

Well, Summons is a dark journey into a group of characters that have been rattling around in Chris' mind for a long time.  While it is billed as a fantasy meld with horror, we think it is more the beginning of a journey out of darkness.  A darkness that our heroine doesn't yet know is upon her.  Kris Helios, like any other teenager, tries to be rife with drama and angst, but in fact is just a simple girl thrown into a world that she doesn't quite understand.... yet.

It's dark, it's fantasy, but grounded in the reality of the fact, that as Chris puts it "There is no coming back from the dead".

We highly encourage you to start the journey of Summons and see where it leads.

You can find Chris Williams on Facebook at: (

