

Beasties and Bygones plus Why isn’t this a movie?

March 25, 2015

Have you ever played a video game, read a book or a short story that you thought to yourself: Why isn’t this a movie?

Well we have often thought the exact same thing!  Tonight the geeks were joined by Javier Palenzuela of and they are talking about those games, TV shows and books that should be made into a movie.

Javier and his group at Critical Hit Media have come up with a new game: Beasties and Bygones.  A Raunchy Parody Role-playing game where almost nothing is off limits.  Described as South Park meets Fantasy Role-playing, Beasties and Bygones is a launch into a world of RPGs where the limits are pushed and the comedy factor is of the utmost!

Can we get William Shatner away from being the terminator to reprise his role along side Heather Locklear?  What about Mark Walberg (Javier actually mentioned Donny Walberg?  WTF?) as Master Chief from Halo?  As long as it isn’t “The Rock” or Tom Cruise I think we’ll be fine.

What is this Beasties and Bygones?

B&B can best best described as an “episode based” RPG.  Like any good TV series, an episode can stand alone and make sense.  This is at the heart of B&B.  When the episodes are strung together they can make for a great narrative as well.  This is just like any great RPG adventure series.

To listen to Javier tell it: “Every episode/adventure is crafted around a theme and a thematic question. The players can be aware of the theme but they shouldn’t know the exact thematic question. The theme for The Ivory Tower of Decency adventure is censorship, but the thematic question could be: Would you rather have freedom at the risk of Tainting your children or a repressed society with protected, yet sheltered children?”

You can find the Beasties and Bygones Kickstarter here:

You can also download the FREE Jester class preview!

The post Beasties and Bygones plus Why isn’t this a movie? appeared first on Geekline415.
