

Black Alpha and Tom Rasch join Geekline415

March 18, 2015

Tonight, Tom Rasch, former Marvel artist, and all around great guy, gave the geeks a peek into his mind and what he has been saving up and churning over in his head for years and years.  The newly optioned Black Alpha.

A story in decades in the making, with a rich universe, mythos and dialog, Black Alpha is the beginning of a tail and string of adventures in the life of Tranden Antares (AKA Black Alpha).  As a reader, we are dropped into a world that is seemingly one part Star Wars, one part Iron Man and two parts Batman.  We get to quickly learn about “The Guardsmen” and their role in the galaxy, and their pending possible extinction.

What is first a kid’s dream, becomes something a bit different as he ages and becomes an adult, and Tranden is faced with the harsh realities of donning the CEL suit.  We even get a sneak peek into what Tom describes during the show as a Darth Maul/Boba Fett character that won’t die by getting cut in half in the first 20 minutes or falling into some gaping hole in the desert!

With Tom’s art background it’s no surprise you’ll find the art well drawn, but what is interesting is what Tom says during the show when Trunk Monkey prompts him: “I feel like this is a Saturday morning  cartoon.  I gotta wake up early to watch the cartoons over the grandparents house, grandma is cooking pancakes, and it gives me that feel”.  Tom’s response is one that leaves us hoping and wondering that there will be a lot more to come for young Tranden.


Where can I find out more about Black Alpha?

Tom’s story and his creation Black Alpha have been featured in USA Today and even the Big Bang Theory and now, right here on Geekline415!  You can actually read the first comic in the series: The Ascension here!!!

Black Alpha Issue 1

You can find more about Black Alpha through Tom’s Facebook page which he updates regularly with info about our new hero-to-be:

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