

Movie Preview Review and greatest adversaries

March 04, 2015

Tonight, the geeks were joined by stand-up comedian, comic writer, and creator of Movie Preview Review, Kevin Bartini.  And tonight they are talking about greatest adversaries.  From movies, TV, comic books and even some from real life, the geeks rattles off some known favorites and a few obscure ones.

Remember Butch and the Sundance Kid vs the ENTIRE Mexican army (Well at least it seemed that way), or Spy vs Spy?  Great rivalries and adversaries make for compelling stories.  The geeks bring up all their favorites and Kevin joins the fray with some real hilarious zingers.

Some honorable mention adversaries not making the cut?

Tim Tebow and the National Football League

Dr Who and the Daleks

Aquaman and Black Manta

Clint Eastwood as Jed Cooper in Hang ’em High and of course… a rope 😉

If you thought these were interesting or funny, just listen to the show for more!

Who is Kevin Bartini you might ask?  Kevin is the creator of the Movie Preview Review podcast among his many accomplishments.  Movie fans around the globe tune in each week to hear Kevin and his gang talk about upcoming movies on MPR.  It’s a hilarious look at just how predictable the movie industry can be.


So what is Movie Preview Review?

Kevin has a great podcast known as The Movie Preview Review Podcast.  Kevin and his gang believe that any movie can be reviewed, accurately we might add, by simply viewing it’s preview.

Each week, producer, Adam Lash (another (in)famous guest on GeekLine415) picks several movies for Kevin and his group (which usually includes a guest stand-up comedian) to watch, on the spot.   The group then does and impromptu review on the spot!  It seems more often or not they are able to pick the winners and the losers.   This always gives us the audience a good idea of whether a movie may actually be worth watching.  It’s uncanny actually and worth a listen.

You can find Movie Preview Review at: along with links to tons of other hilarious work by Kevin.

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