

Best Game Consoles with Bob from Bob’s Radio Cafeteria

December 03, 2014

The geeks talk some nostalgia and the best game consoles of all time (and some of the worst too).  Joined by fellow geek, Bob, from Bob’s Radio Cafeteria the geeks relive some of their childhood memories about best game consoles of the past, starting from the REALLY old (Bob) to some of the newer consoles.  They even talk a bit about what really drove some of the consoles themselves, the games…. (queue ominous music)

Bob makes mention of a great old-time arcade in Alameda California called High Scores Arcade.  They’ve got some of the greatest old-school Coin-op games from that you can walk right in an play today!  You can visit their site here:  and don’t forget to tell them you heard about them on GeekLine415, they have Street Fighter II Champion Edition for Pete’s sake so you know it’s gotta be cool and don’t be afraid to talk to the guys over there about the best game consoles because these guys aren’t coin-op only experts, they are pure video game experts.

You can listen to Bob’s Radio Cafeteria on FCCFREEradio by visiting his site here:  You can listen to Bob live every Saturday 2-4 PM or catch him via podcast any time.  In his own words: “All eras & styles of music! Requests! “Mr. Medeiros The Bus Driver†& “Bert The Turtle’s Time Machine†weekly call-in segments!”  Don’t be shy, stop by any time.


Did you “Parlay” after Best Game Consoles?

Why yes!  At the 43:48 mark, the TinKnocker decides to take a different route and decides to “Parlay: Meek”…. wait, no abusive?  Of course there is some saltiness but TK stays true to form and does the best he can to nicely ask the creators of all fan made trailers, such as Star Wars, or the Avengers, to PLEASE mark your trailers as fan made and stop trying to Rick-Roll everyone!

The post Best Game Consoles with Bob from Bob’s Radio Cafeteria appeared first on Geekline415.
