Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E14 - #runstreak day 3: It's okay for runners to take walk breaks

October 21, 2016

First of all, tomorrow's gonna be food day. I pushed it a day because I wanted to talk about something else that's on my mind because day 3 of the #runstreak went phenomenally well. I was able to do 2.3 miles, and they were great. I felt great, and I ran in my Asics (which made me really appreciate my Altras, let me tell you).  But I didn't run the whole time because...why would I? It doesn't make me any less of a runner to take a break. I moved for that amount, and I am proud of myself. I've seen some people talk about how "real" runners don't walk. Yes, they do. I did a full post on it a while back. So you can check that out if you want, too. But essentially it boils down to your legs use different muscles for walking and running, and taking breaks from beating your legs up can help them rest and run even further. So why wouldn't you? That said, the runstreak is going great, and you guys are awesome. You're keeping me motivated on Twitter and the subreddit, and I can't thank you enough. The solidarity and friendship y'all show amazes me, and I can't thank you enough. So are you running? Are you streaking in any way? If not, join me!
