Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

Geek Fitness: Health Hacks - Running and Weight Loss for Nerds and Geeks

S1E13 - #runstreak day 2: the weigh-in

October 20, 2016

Day two of the runstreak happened. I recorded while dripping sweat from my run (or maybe it was from the rain that started in while I was out). I ran 1.1 miles, and my shoelaces came untied at 0.9. Never try to run a quarter mile with loose shoes. It's just bad. That said, I weighed myself in today so that I would have a starting point for my goals. The measurements also validated what I said yesterday: I'm not fat, I am simply unfit. I weigh 182.6 lbs right now, have 15.1% body fat, and a BMI of 24.9. The last time I did these measurements I was at 155 lbs, 11% body fat, and some BMI that I can't remember because it's a useless metric. My goal is to get myself back (close) to where I was before. It's a reasonable goal. Losing ~27lbs and 4% body fat. I give myself a 6 lb buffer when it comes to weight, so I can go up or down 3 lbs and still be in my zone. So..24 lbs! hah!  I figure I will run 2 miles either tomorrow or the next day (honestly depending on the weather), and maybe work up to a 5k (3.1 miles) by next Thursday. Again, I don't think that's unreasonable because I ran a 5k for the first time in 5 months just a few days ago (but my legs were sore for a couple days since they weren't used to being used). That said, tomorrow I am talking about food and fueling for a run. Because I run to eat like the fat guy I used to be, lol. What are your favorite recipes and how do you keep yourself energized?  And remember, you can find me at @geekfitnesscast on pretty much all social media platforms. Also, we have a thread on /r/geektogeekcast about this runstreak challenge! You should definitely check it out and get involved!  
