Geek Dimensions On Air Podcast

Geek Dimensions On Air Podcast

Bitcoins Is Super Mario's Fault

February 21, 2014

Another week and another great episode of the podcast with myself and Paul O'Flaherty as we take a look at some of the geekier stories of the past week, and yes Paul does suggest that Super Mario is to blame for the whole Bitcoin thing.

Along with that little tidbit we also talk about the new Guardians of the Universe trailer and how Vin Diesel actually got the part of Groot. As well Paul share some rather cool gadgets that he has been using using for the past week.

Here is the full line up of stories that we talk about in this episode.

Enjoy the show and let us know your thoughts in the comments. Plus many thanks to Ritree for letting us use their song Boomerang in the show.
