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Podcast: Talking the latest Florida Gators football and recruiting news

July 28, 2020

GatorCountry brings you a new podcast as we talk about the latest news surrounding the Florida Gators football program as they started supervised walk-through’s last week.
Andrew Spivey and Nick de la Torre break down how those workouts went and which position group can benefit from these workouts the most.
Andrew and Nick also talk about the latest recruiting news surrounding the program as the Gators have been on a bit of a hot streak in recruiting.
Andrew:                 What’s up, Gator Country? Your man, Andrew Spivey, here with Nicholas de la Torre. Nicholas, we had some baseball, and we still have baseball for the time being. Hopefully it continues. My Braves and your Marlins are 2-1, but your Marlins, are you guys just wanting to finish the year at 2-1 or what?
Nick:                         Finish the year in first place. That’s the plan.
Andrew:                 We’re going to get into football talk, but let’s start with this. This is the news of the day. Obviously, it’ll be old news when the podcast comes out on Tuesday, but you and I were talking about this a little bit off the air. MLB had to have a plan for this. In case you don’t pay attention to baseball, 14 total Marlins have tested positive, including two staff members, for the virus. Like you and I said, it was going to happen. There was going to be a team or multiple teams who had this happen. There had to be a plan for it, right?
Nick:                         Yeah. Before the season started the MLB came out with like 113-page plan for precautions of how to go about day to day things, how to travel, and then what to do in this very situation, for when someone or a couple people test positive. That’s why you’ve got 60-man rosters. The Marlins have got 30 guys in Jupiter that haven’t been around the team at all, but still going through practice and bullpens and hitting baseballs, to be just in this case to be called up. Jackson Cower, Jonathan India, Alex Faedo, those are guys who are on their respective teams’ taxi squads, and those are guys that could get the call if this were to happen to the Tigers, the Reds, or the Royals.
To see anything about, well, got to cancel the season now, I think that’s premature. I think Major League Baseball has to kind of figure it out. Listen, it’s going to be completely different for college football, but this is what Scott Strickland and all the athletic directors and presidents are looking at. They’re looking at not just baseball, MLS just had their third consecutive round of testing of over 800 people come back with zero positive.
Andrew:                 NHL was the same way, right? I think NHL was.
Nick:                         I think NHL had a couple, maybe two or three. They’re looking at all of these leagues. It’s going to be different, because you can’t put them in a bubble like the NBA is, or like MLS was, is, but this is what they’re looking at. Looking at these models and looking at, now Scott Strickland and Greg Sankey and the commissioners and the athletic directors and presidents are going to be looking going, how does Major League Baseball handle it? What happens to Major League Baseball after this?
It’s easy. A lot of people in our society we just think and react emotionally, and you see something like this, 14 players on a team test positive, a game is postponed, and you think it’s easy to fire off a quick Twitter hot take, and you get a bunch of likes and retweets. It’s a lot easier to do that than just to sit and back and say, let’s see what happens and make a responsible educated decision based on what is going on and what’s happening.
Andrew:                 Right. I think that’s the biggest thing. I was telling you, Craig Mish that covers your Marlins is an absolute idiot. I don’t mind saying it. The narrative right now, and I said this before, is that a lot of the media doesn’t want sports to happen.
