

Latest Episodes

S02 E20: The Politics of Police Reforms
January 28, 2020

In this episode celebrating one year of the Ganatantra, Sarayu and Alok talk about the problems with police in India - why there's low trust in then, why they're failing at law and order and investigation functions and why there have been almost no seri

S02 E19: The Public University as a Political Space (feat Jean Thomas Martelli)
January 21, 2020

As Indian public universities become both spaces for and subjects of political disputes (often breaking out into violence) it's worth examining what it means for such universities to be "political" especially in the face of increasing privatization of

S02 E18: Politics and Cinema (feat MK Raghavendra)
January 14, 2020

Indian cinema has had a complex relationship with politics, reflecting prevailing political trends and having provided the base for the launch of many a political career.

S02 E17: The Future of News Media in a Democracy (feat. Dr Aasim Khan)
January 07, 2020

The news media is sometimes called the "fourth pillar of democracy" but at a time when its business model is under attack thanks to large internet companies, and its credibility at risk in the age of "#fakenews", existential questions about its role...

S02 E16: Ganatantra Year End Special Part 2 - Elections
December 24, 2019

As we head towards the end of 2019, Sarayu and Alok discuss the General elections and State Assembly elections of the year and what they told us about the state of politics in India. We use the various insights given to us by the experts who joined us...

S02 E15: The CAA, NRC and Censoring Protest
December 20, 2019

We're releasing this special episode of Ganatantra today to talk about the recently passed Citizenship Amendment Act, fears over a proposed all India National Register of Citizens and the government's response to it through internet shutdowns and...

S02 E14: Ganatantra Year End Special Part 1 - Events
December 17, 2019

Alok and Sarayu discuss the big political events of 2019 - Article 370 in Kashmir, the Supreme court judgment on Ayodhya and the CAA/NRC - and examine their political implications. References are made to relevant episodes and material from previous...

S02 E13: State Governors - Colonial relics or Constitutional symbols?
December 10, 2019

The political and constitutional crisis in Maharashtra, which unfolded after the 2019 Assembly elections once brought to the public glare the potential for misuse of the office of the Governor. It has prompted calls to abolish the office or reform it...

S02 E12: Elections, Citizenship and Democracy (feat Dr Ornit Shani)
December 03, 2019

The Indian Constitution guaranteed universal adult franchise from the moment it came into force. In a country with inequalities and divisions based on caste, gender, language, and ethnicity, this was a radical move that speaks of the vision of the...

S02 E11: The Indian Armed Forces and Civilian oversight (feat Srinath Raghavan)
November 26, 2019

Unlike India's neighbouring countries, the Indian Armed Forces have never intervened in any manner in the affairs of civilian government. The reasons for this have been explored by scholars and has been attributed to a range of factors from the...
