FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #085: Kerrie Smith

July 27, 2016

Pointillist abstract painter Kerrie Smith. Today on the show we have artist Kerrie Smith. As well as being an abstract pointillist painter and working in bold colors and angular designs, she has long been a champion for supporting artists with disabilities, and is the founder and creative director of Art Walk for Kids and Adults in Santa Barbara. Light Patterns 8 She is also British and as you'll hear we have a good laugh dueling accents, which seems to happen a lot when I run into people from the old country. So we had a good time sitting outside on a lovely summer's day and recording this conversation. Light Patterns 4   You can find out all about Kerrie at and her non-profit at Light Patterns 5 She's also a member of Santa Barbara's Abstract Art Collective, which you can find at, you guessed it,  
