FunkZone Podcast

FunkZone Podcast

Episode #072: Live at MichaelKate R. Eddie Hall and Stuart Carey

April 27, 2016

Two artists together for the first time!
Today on the show we have a live recording from last Friday's
opening at MichaelKate Interiors, where I interviewed R. Eddie Hall
and Stuart Carey, two very different artists from Carpinteria who
curator Jan Ziegler has put together in one show called "Ancient
Modern." This is a much shorter podcast than usual because, to
paraphrase my theatre director friend Maury, "nobody leaves an art
talk saying damn, I wish that was longer." But in this thirty
minutes we take in a lot of stuff and learn some things about both
these guys, neither of which I've interviewed before.

Stuart Carey's double sided tapestry,
left. Eddie Hall's work, right.

Eddie Hall is a sculptor first, but for this show he's made
three dimensional canvases out of papier mache and other materials,
but really they look like alien life forms coming off the wall. And
Stuart Carey's work is jaggedy and sometimes figurative and reminds
me a bit of Louis Wain, the cat painter, if you know who I'm
talking about, just without the cats. Both guys are kind of
spiritual, and both guys talk about something beyond themselves,
and a good time was had by all. On the web page for this podcast
you'll see work by both of them.

Stuart Carey

The show is up through June 5,
so if you're in Santa Barbara please come check it out. You can
find Stuart's work at and you can find Eddie
Hall's on Facebook at Eddie

Eddie Hall's "Love" work

Thanks to Jan Ziegler for putting the show together and calling
on me to host it.
