FTW! Gaming Podcast

FTW! Gaming Podcast

Episode 15: The Versus episode / Fighting Games

December 10, 2014

It's episode 15! And this week on the podcast we're talking about fighting games. We discuss some of our favorites growing up and memories related to. 

In the news this week, we're talking about the recent announcement of Street Fighter V ! And we discuss on the 2014 Video Game Awards that went down in Vegas.

In updates, Mark is still on World of Warcraft...Quenton on Valkyrie Chronicles and Smash Bros. Aaron played Alien: Isolation and shares some more HearthStone on his updated Warrior deck from the newly released Goblins Vs Gnomes, and more raging ensued. We all played together Ultra Street Fighter 4 this weekend and we share the fateful night with you guys and continue the trash talking.

It's a fun episode, hope you guys enjoy !

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