Heather Hansen Oneill

Heather Hansen Oneill

Finding Time with Carolyn Browning

June 17, 2021

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace your Gifts and Achieve Success
This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their stories. Use tips from the breakthroughs of others to jump start your success. Speaker, author, adventurer, and host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire. Today we talk about our most precious resource…time. And how Finding Time and learning to balance life and work is the key to real success.
This week’s theme: Finding Time
Do you ever wish you had more time in the day?  Less stress, more balance, more peace? Well today, our guest expert Carolyn Browning shares her view on the lessons this past year has taught her about finding time and sharing the tips through leading by example.
Carolyn Browning, CMP, CMM, HMCC – MEETing Needs, LLC 
Carolyn Browning is the Chief Solution Strategist of MEETing Needs, LLC. She began her career in the meetings industry on the corporate side handling customer events and sales meetings at both Sprint and GE Capital. After that she went out on her own and never looked back!
Passionate about meetings and education, Carolyn seeks to share her knowledge and experience with others. She leads CMP prep classes and speaks to groups about how to plan better meetings to engage and inspire audiences. Carolyn also facilitates meetings and retreats and helps clients design and execute impactful meetings.
Carolyn is a Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) and earned her Certificate in Meeting Management (CMM) in 2013.  A lifelong learner, she added HMCC (Healthcare Meetings Compliance Certificate) to her credentials to better serve her pharmaceutical clients. She is a multiple-award winning member and two-term past president of the Meeting Professionals International (MPI) WestField Chapter and a member of Senior Planners Industry Network (SPIN).
Carolyn is a devoted Disney fan (some say fanatic!) and is the proud mom of two recent college grads.
Connect with Carolyn:
On LinkedIn
Through her website
Or on Facebook.
Quote of the Day:
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” JRR Tolkien
Heather has a new LinkedIn article on focus that directly translates to finding time if you’d like a bit more.
