Heather Hansen Oneill

Heather Hansen Oneill

Paying it Forward with Brian Heil

May 27, 2021

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace your Gifts and Achieve Success
This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their stories. Use tips from the breakthroughs of others to jump start your success. Speaker, author, adventurer, and host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire.  Today we talk about the loss of a loved one and the inspiration that has been sparked among a local community through kindness and Paying it Forward.
This week’s theme: Paying it Forward
In life, bad things happen. And what you learn from them and what you do with them determine a great deal about you and how you show up in the world. Our guest today, Brian Heil made a choice…
His Story
“In 2013, I stood on a roadway two miles from my house staring at the wreckage of what once was my daughter’s car.  With the muddled comprehension you can imagine someone in my situation would have, I said to myself: a.) Shannon is going to need a lot of care; I’m in. Or b.) Shannon has gone to heaven and guess what? I’m in.  Nothing I could do could change what had happened, but what I could change is how I responded.
A year later, determined to not let sadness sink into the hearts of the many people who love Shannon, I started a Pay-it-Forward campaign called Share For Shannon, challenging people to take the negativity of the moment and do something positive in Shannon’s name. Today, I am proud to say, Share For Shannon has evolved into a global Pay It Forward movement.
Almost eight years ago my life was changed forever. Today I am proud of where that change has lead me and the lives that have been forever altered because of one kind, compassionate, audacious 18 year old – my fierce daughter Shannon Heil.”
Brian Heil is the Father and Founder of the Fierce For Shannon Foundation. This foundation invests scholarships and grants into young people’s lives who embody the same attributes that Shannon had and reminds the world the impact created by simple acts of kindness. Brian made a choice that day to honor the love and life of his daughter by taking my tragic moment and making it something amazingly beautiful.
Inspire and Invest in Humanity. It’s what Shannon did every day and what our foundation will continue to do in her memory.
Help Brian Build the Ripple of Goodness!  Take the Coffee Cup Challenge- (listen to the end of the podcast to find out what that is!)

Links for You:
Fierce For Shannon Foundation:
fierceforshannon.org (website)
facebook.com/shareforshannon (ShareForShannon Facebook page)

Share For Shannon Coupons
To request ShareForShannon coupons, email me at: fierceforshannon@gmail.com

Award-winning documentary and short film:
Fueling Fierce: https://youtu.be/QdPPcdi2v5E
Make It Something To Remember: https://youtu.be/GIcUlY7R9TM

Fierce Running Festival
Runners can register to run in the 7th Annual Shannon Heil Memorial Running Festival.
Half Marathon, 6 miler & 5K. October 31 in East Providence,
