Heather Hansen Oneill

Heather Hansen Oneill

Finding Humanity with Heather

April 23, 2021

From Fear to Fire: Secrets to Overcome Fear, Embrace your Gifts and Achieve Success
This is the place where real people share real challenges. Where you can find a common bond and uncommon wisdom through their stories. Use tips from the breakthroughs of others to jump start your success. Speaker, author, adventurer, and Host Heather Hansen O’Neill takes you on the journey from fear to fire. Today we talk about finding humanity and the qualities that make us human.
This week’s theme: Finding Humanity
In our isolated world, I felt a strong pull to become more aware of the kindness, the connection…the humanity all around us. I started to witness the most caring gestures, the most compassionate demonstrations, and a return to simplicity and goodness. This awareness opened something within me and sparked a desire to do more and to share. And so my commitment to Finding Humanity began.
Each morning I start my day with this focus. I head to the beach for a sunrise stroll and often find it immediately. But oddly I don’t check it off and go back to my harried life. It stays with me. I keep seeking, finding and sharing. It’s life changing.
Would YOU like to join the Finding Humanity quest? It’s simple and powerful. I’d love to hear your stories!

Heather Hansen O’Neill
is the host of the From Fear to Fire podcast as well as a best selling author, igniter of inner flame, and an international keynote speaker and change strategist, with timely virtual presentation expertise!
Reach out to Heather at Heather@HeatherHansenONeill.com.
Be on the lookout for Heather’s LinkedIn article with all the examples from the quest! Connect with her THERE.
Quote of the day: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” Mahatma Gandhi
Check Out Heather’s newest TED Talk HERE
